September 2015

September 8, 2015
1830 at BLCAD Education Room

Board Members


  • Nick Mercer – District 1
  • Mike Bennett – District 2
  • Larry Eden – District 3
  • David Compton – District 4
  • Daryl Fenske – District 5
  • Shane Anderson – District 6

Quorum Present: Yes


  • Andy McCaslin – Operations Manager
  • Paula Brown – Office Manager
  • Justin Jarvis – Pinnacle Emergency Vehicles
  • Murray Bishoff – Monett Times



  1. Meeting to order by Chairman Mike Bennett at 1830.
  2. Motion to accept the August meeting minutes as wrote. Motion by David Compton. Second by Larry Eden. Motion passed 5-0.
  3. The board heard from Office Manager Paula Brown on the monthly finances and updated bank accounts.
  4. Motion to approve the office manager’s report and approval of the monthly bills. Motion by Larry Eden. Seconded by Nick Mercer. Motion Passed 5-0.
  5. The Board heard from Operations Manager Andy McCaslin. Due to the Server being down so long from the lightning strike Manager McCaslin was unable to gather all the information for his report. Dave Compton stressed how EPCr should be able to give us this data as well. Manager McCaslin is looking at new report software that will give him that information. Motion to table Operation Managers Report and give Manager McCaslin time to gather data. Motion by Dave Compton. Seconded by Shane Anderson. Motion Passed 5-0.
  6. The report for vehicle and building maintenance report was presented by Andy McCaslin. Reports were incomplete so item tabled until full reports are presented. Motion made by Dave Compton. Motion seconded by Nick Mercer. Motion Passed 5-0.
  7. Operations Director McCaslin presented the Education Report. McCaslin promoted James Harrison to Education. McCaslin will still oversee program until Harrison gets all of his certifications. Motion to approve the Education Report by Dave Compton. Motion seconded by Nick Mercer. Motion passed 5-0.
  8. Operations Director McCaslin presented the PR Report. An apology and explanation of situation when football game was uncovered will be presented to the Athletics Director of Monett School. Motion made to approve the PR Report by Nick Mercer. Motion seconded by Dave Compton. Motion passed 5-0.

Old Business

  1. The MO agreement from Purdy is still left to be discussed awaiting submission by Purdy. Item tabled.
  2. Quotes for a new dual head radio for unit 415 have not been received. Item tabled.
  3. Still looking at different versions of reporting software. Item tabled.
  4. Emergent — non-emergent response policy proposal and the infection control policy proposal will be tabled until a policy manual review can be completed. Item tabled.
  5. The community liaison position was discussed by the board. There no new proceedings with this business. Motion made to take no further action by Shane Anderson. Motion seconded by Daryl Fenske. Motion Passed 5-0.
  6. Board decided to close the Chase credit card account and take out a Debit card against Operating Account with First State Bank. Motion made by Daryl Fenske. Motion seconded by Dave Compton. Motion Passed 5-0.
  7. Shower has been fixed and no further needed on this item.
  8. Estimates on sealing cracks in driveway presented. Board selected Caesars to do repairs. Motion made by Larry Eden. Motion seconded by Shane Anderson. Motion Passed 5-0.
  9. Justin Jarvis presented quotes on 2 new ambulances coming from New York that we could have in 30 days. Board discussed buying 2 now contingent upon both ambulances being totaled. Dave Compton disagreed, stating it is due diligence for the public to know. Daryl Fenske made a motion contingent upon both ambulances being totaled to buy the 2 new trucks from Pinnacle. Shane Anderson seconded the motion. Dave Compton strongly objected and said the Board should be held accountable for this decision and that they needed to advertise a bid for 3 days. Motion passed 4-1. Compton requested a roll call. Larry Eden-I, Dave Compton-Na, Daryl Fenske-I, Shane Anderson-I, Nick Mercer-I.

New Business

  1. Manager Brown presented renewal of Employee Benefits. Brown requested to switch Vision insurance from Vision Direct to Anthem. Brown, also, suggested adding Dental through Anthem as well with the Board paying 100% for employees and 50% for dependents. Motion made by Larry Eden to accept this proposal. Motion seconded by Nick Mercer. Motion passed 5-0.
  2. Items presented by Office Manager Brown on damage from the Lightning strike with reimbursement amounts from insurance.
  3. Administrative 90 day evals and raises discussed by Board. First amounts discussed were $38,325 for Office Manager and $31,500 for Billing Specialist. Motion made by Nick Mercer. Motion seconded by Daryl Fenske. Manager Brown discussed points in reconsidering the amounts. Mercer amended the motion. Motion was made by Nick Mercer to raise the amount for Office Manager to $40,000. Motion seconded by Dave Compton. Motion 5-0.
  4. Motion made by Larry Eden to raise amount for Billing Specialist to $32,850. Motion seconded by Dave Compton. Motion passed 5-0.
  5. Office Manager Brown requested a change in the Base/Mileage rates for billing. These haven’t been updated since 2002. Board requested for examples from surrounding counties. Item Tabled.
  6. Office Manager Brown presented the renewal date for a CD. CD was rolled over since date had missed Board Meeting.
  7. Motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion by Daryl Fenske. Second by Larry Eden. Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm. Vote 5 -0.