April 2019

April 09, 2019 1830 at BLCAD Education Room

Board Members


  • Wyatt Howerton-District 1
  • Tyler Lowery- District 2
  • Shane Anderson-District 3
  • David Compton-District 4
  • Andy Hogenmiller-District 5
  • Lynn Chrisman- District 6

Quorum Present: Yes


  • Stephanie Mahurin- Billing Clerk, Paula Brown- Office Manager, Valerie Wilson- Director of Operations, Todd from Stryker

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.



  • 1. Motion was made by Tyler Lowery to amend the agenda to move #9 line item to #4. Second by Lynn Chrisman, motion passed 5-0.
  • 2. Motion was made by Tyler Lowery to purchase Powerload cot and 5 year service agreement from Stryker in the amount of $51, 501.23. Second by Dave Compton, motion carried 5-0.
  • 3. Motion was made by Dave Compton to accept the March regular meeting and March special meeting minutes, second by Wyatt Howerton, motion passed 5-0.
  • 4. Motion was made by Tyler Lowery to approve and pay the monthly bills and approve the department reports, second by Wyatt Howerton, motion passed 5-0.


Old Business

  • 1. New Service vehicle- tabled for further review.
  • 2. Paving of driveway-tabled while getting bids.
  • 3. Capped employee- Motion was made by Dave Compton, for FT employees to receive 50% of what their merit raise would’ve been OR equal amount of PTO hours rounded to the nearest whole hour. PRN employees are to receive $200 per 1% of their merit evaluation. These will be given to the employee when all evaluations are given. Second by Wyatt Howerton, passed 5-0.


New Business

  • 1. Bids for bathroom- tabled while getting bids.
  • 2. Motion was made at 6:54 pm by Tyler Lowery to adjourn the meeting, second by Wyatt Howerton, motion passed 5-0.