May 2015

May 12th 2015 1800 at BLCAD Station Office

Board Members


  • Mike Bennett – District 2
  • David Compton – District 4
  • Nick Mercer – District 1
  • Darryl Fenske – District 5


  • Larry Eden – District 6
  • Cale Cendroski – District 3

Quorum Present: Yes


  • Operations Manager – Andy McCaslin
  • Billing Clerk – Stacy Cloud
  • CPA Group – Dawnata Hopkins
  • Citizen – Debbie Schoen


Monthly Business

  1. Meeting called to order by Chairman Mike Bennett.
  2. Motion by David Compton to approve March Minutes including all attachments and bills paid. Second by Nick Mercer. Motion passed.
  3. Motion by David Compton to approve April 23rd meeting minutes and attachments. Second by Nick Mercer. Motion Passed.
  4. No office managers report presented.
  5. Operations report by Andy McCaslin, open discussions about run reporting software and the limitations of its information. Discussion on Andy pursing other options for reporting software. Discussion on uniform shirts for staff members due to multiple complaints by staff about the current white uniforms. Proposal made by Andy on new uniform shirts with a presentation of different shifts and styles.
  6. Motion by Nick Mercer to allot $2000 for new uniform shirts to be purchased. Second by David Compton. Motion passed.
  7. Motion by Nick Mercer to accept the operations manager report. Second by David Compton. Motion passed.
  8. Motion by David Compton to accept the maintenance and education report. Second by Nick Mercer. Motion Passed.
  9. Motion by David Compton to accept the public relations report. Second by Nick Mercer. Motion Passed.

Old Business

  1. Telecommunications – reported by Stacy Cloud that the phones have been upgraded to fiber optic lines and is setting the system up.
  2. Fire department MOU’s are still missing from a few departments. Discussion tabled until next meeting.
  3. Discussion on legal blood draws. Legal blood draws will not be done by the district.
  4. New unit 411 is done having equipment removed. 415 will go to NCAD to have the equipment placed as soon as possible.
  5. Emergent- Non-emergent response policy proposal. Discussion on letting the operations manager deal with the policy and the medical director to not be burdened with the task. Proposal to come before the board.
  6. Infection Control policy – discussion tabled until further information is provided.
  7. Cardiac Monitors – Zoll with be sending a representative to complete an in-service with staff who are unfamiliar with the monitor. Monitors are currently on the ambulances.
  8. Computers – Discussion about the ability to send the information needed for reporting and EKG’s wirelessly to the hospitals and the difficulties with sending the information. Multiple avenues are available but more research is needed. Discussion tabled until further information is available.

New Business

  1. Presentation by Dawnata Hopkins on Financial Statements & Independent Auditors report for the year end 2014, with explanation of report.
  2. Motion by David Compton to approve auditors report as stated. Second by Nick Mercer. Motion passed.
  3. Discussion on posting meeting minutes to the website for public viewing.
  4. Discussion regarding a board secretary who is not an employee of the district, board will gather information regarding roll of the secretary. Further Discussion tabled.
  5. Discussion about signature card for banking.
  6. Motion by Nick Mercer to place the board members and their titles on the bank signature care with pledges to be Chairman Mike Bennett and Vice Chairman Larry Eden. Second by David Compton. Motion passed.
  7. Transfer of funds – no discussion needed. Mistake on agenda.
  8. Heard concerns from Citizen Debbie Schoen about policy 51 and its limitations to board members. Discussion by board members that the sunshine law supersedes the policy. Legal council will be asked to advise further on the policy and its revision. Information to be presented the next board meeting. Further discussion tabled.
  9. Motion by Mike Bennett to enter into Closed Executive Session pursuant to RSMO 610.021 (3) (1).
    • Roll Call
    1. Mike Bennett – Yes
    2. Darryl Fenske – Yes
    3. David Compton – Yes
    4. Nick Mercer – Yes

Closed Executive Session

Entered closed executive session at 2019

  1. Motion by Mike Bennett to proceed into open session. Second by Nick Mercer.
    • Roll Call
    1. Mike Bennett – Yes
    2. Darryl Fenske – Yes
    3. David Compton – Yes
    4. Nick Mercer – Yes

Entered into Open Session at 2045

Open Session

  1. Motion by Darryl Fenske to adjourn meeting. Second by Mike Bennett. Motion passed.