February 2015

February 10, 2015

Chairsperson, Marty Newman, called the Barry-Lawrence County Ambulance District Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. at the Barry-Lawrence County Ambulance District Office, 307 Dairy Street, Monett, Missouri.

Board Members Present

  • Marty Newman – Chairperson
  • Daryl Fenske – Vice-Chairperson
  • Kristine Strouse – Director C
  • Larry Eden – Director D

Board Members Absent:

  • Mike Bennett – Director A
  • Rick Vanderpool – Director B

Staff Present:

  • Jeaneittea Pierce, EMT-B, Manager / Secretary
  • Stacy Cloud, Medical Billing Specialist / Treasurer

Staff Absent:

  • None

Others Present:

  • None


Monthly Meeting Minutes

Daryl Fenski made a motion to approve the January 13, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes as submitted and the January 13, 2015 Closed Executive Session Minutes as submitted. Kristine Strouse seconded motion. Motion carried with a 4-0 vote.

Office Manager’s Reports

Jeaneittia Pierce, EMT-B, Office Manager, submitted the Office Manager’s Report for January and the list of payables presented for approval. Daryl Fenski made a motion to accept the Office Manager’s Report as submitted and to pay the list of payables as submitted. Kristing Strouse seconded motion. Motion carried with a 4-0 vote.

Operations Report

Jeaneittia Pierce, EMT-B, Office Manager, submitted the Operations Report for January. Kristine Strouse made a motion to accept the Operations Report as submitted. Larry Eden seconded motion. Motion carried with a 4-0 vote.

Maintenance Report

Jeaneittia Pierce, EMT-B, Office Manager submitted the Maintenance Report for January. Larry Eden made a motion to accept the Maintenance Report as submitted. Kristine Stouse seconded motion. Motion carried with a 4-0 vote.

Education Report

This agenda item was postponed until the next regular monthly meeting

Old Business


Telephone / Internet project that was approved at the January 13, 2015 Regular Monthly Meeting has been initiated and awaiting vendor scheduling.

MOU – Fire Department

The Board of Directors recognized the Monett City Council approved Memorandum of Understanding for Monett City Fire Department for 2015.

Direct Deposit

Larry Eden made a motion to approve the utilization of payroll direct deposit through the QuickBooks program at the fee as established as per QuickBooks. Kristing Storuse seconded motion. Motion carried with a vote 4-0.

RFP – Banking Services

As a request for proposals for bids for banking services was placed within the Monett Times, and no bids were submitted, Daryl Fenski made a motino to retain the banking services of Fires State Bank. Larry Eden seconded motion. Motion carried with a 4-0 vote.

Blood Draw

Per consensus of the Board of Directors, after discussion with the MEdical Director, Barry-Lawrence County Ambulance District will discontinue conduction blood draws when summoned to the police department for said. Implementation will follow as directed per guidelines.

New Business

Tax Revenue (New Unit / Monitors / Field Computers)

No action required at this time

Emergent – Non-Emergent Response Policy

No action required at this time.

Infection Control Policy

No action required at this time.

Certificate(s) of Deposit

Daryl Fenski made a motion to allow the Certificate of Deposit, held at First State Bank, which will mature on February 13, 2015 to roll over for the next twelve-month cycle. Larry Eden seconded motion. Motion carried with a 4-0 vote.


At 6:42 p.m. Daryl Fenski made a motino to adjourn the meeting. LArry Eden seconded motion. Motion carried with a 4-0 vote.