June 15, 2021 6:00 pm at BLCAD Education Room
Board Members
- Wyatt Howerton
- Jeff Owens
- David Compton
- Andy Hogenmiller
- Tyler Lowery
Quorum Present: Yes
- Stephanie Mahurin- Billing Clerk, Paula Brown- Office Manager
Meeting was called to order at 6:01pm. Guests were greeted.
- Motion made by Wyatt Howerton to approve and accept the May 2021 meeting minutes. Second by Jeff Owens, motion carried 4-0.
- Motion made by Jeff Owens to approve and pay the monthly bills. Second by Wyatt Howerton, motion carried 4-0.
- Motion made by Wyatt Howerton to decline the monthly department reports, due to them being incomplete. Second by Jeff Owens. Motion carried 4-0.
Old Business
- Tough Books- table
- New Wall Upstairs- Motion was made by Wyatt Howerton to allow a $2600 budget to used for wall construction. Second by Jeff Owens. Motion carried 4-0.
New Business
- New Radio- table
- Electrical Line- table
- Attorney Renewal- Motion made by Dave Compton to renew attorney Frank Foster. Second by Wyatt Howerton. Motion carried 4-0.
- Motion made by Wyatt Howerton to adjourn out of open session and re open into closed session at 6:50 pm. Second by Jeff Owens. Andy Hogenmiller- Aye, Jeff Owens- Aye, Dave Compton- Aye, Wyatt Howerton- Aye, Tyler Lowery- Aye.
- Came out of closed session at 8:02.
- Motion was made by Tyler Lowery to implement routine business audits of policies, procedures, and protocols. Second by Jeff Owens. Motion carried 5-0.
- Motion made by Wyatt Howerton to elect Jeff, Tyler, and Dave as the audit committee with Andy and Wyatt being alternates. Second by Jeff Owens. Motion carried 5-0.
- Motion made by Dave Compton to elect Wyatt Howerton and Andy Hogemiller to run the employee survey committee. They will report in one month, conclusion in 2 months, and will be done biannually. Second by Tyler Lowery. Motion carried 5-0.
- Motion was made to adjourn open session at 8:07 by Tyler Lowery. Second by Jeff Owens. Motion carried 5-0.