August 2018

August 20, 2018 1830 at BLCAD Education Room

Board Members


  • Tyler Lowery-District 2
  • Shane Anderson-District 3
  • David Compton-District 4
  • Andy Hogenmiller-District 5

Quorum Present: Yes


  • Paula Brown – Office Manager, Valerie Wilson-Director of Operations, Stephanie Mahurin-Billing Clerk, Wyatt Howerton, potential new Board member.



  • 1. Motion was made by Shane Anderson, to amend the agenda to present new Board member Wyatt Howerton. Seconded by Tyler Lowery, motion passed 4-0.
  • 2. Motion was made by Tyler Lowery to appoint Wyatt Howerton as the new Board member for District 1. Seconded by Andy Hogenmiller. Motion passed 4-0. Wyatt Howerton was then sworn in by Office Manager, Paula Brown, and he them took his seat on the Board.
  • 3. Motion was made Tyler Lowery to accept the July meeting minutes, seconded by Andy Hogenmiller, motion passed 4-0.
  • 4. Motion was made by Andy Hogenmiller to approve monthly bills and reports, seconded by Tyler Lowery, motion passed 4-0.


Old Business

  • 5. Land survey- table
  • 6. Cox Monett Bay Pillar- a motion was made by Dave Compton to pay $870 to fix the pillar. Seconded by Tyler Lowery, motion passed 4-0.


New Business

  • 7. Purdy Resident Door Repair- table
  • 8. Money Market Account- Motion made by Dave Compton to deposit into the operating account, seconded by Tyler Lowery, motion passed 4-0.
  • 9. CD **603, Cash Out- Motion was made by Shane Anderson to roll into operating account, seconded by Dave Compton, motion passed 4-0.
  • 10. Motion was made at 7:42m by Tyler Lowery to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Shane Anderson. Motion passed 4-0, meeting was adjourned