January 2016

February 10, 2016

Board Members


  • Mike Bennett – District 2
  • Larry Eden – District 3
  • David Compton – District 4
  • Daryl Fenske – District 5
  • Shane Anderson – District 6 (arrived at 1945)

Quorum Present: Yes


  • Andy McCaslin – Operations Manager
  • Paula Brown – Office Manager
  • Brandon Heupel – Paramedic Crew Member
  • Murray Bishoff – Monett Times
  • Julie Waetke-Bishoff



  1. Meeting to order by Chairman Mike Bennett at 1837.
  2. Motion to accept the November meeting minutes with amendment to correct some spelling errors. Motion by Dave Compton. Second by Larry Eden. Motion passed 3-0.
  3. The board heard from Office Manager Paula Brown on the monthly finances and updated bank accounts. Dave Compton made a motion to go by the State of Missouri for Employee LDT meal reimbursement. Larry asked if they could look around at what others reimburse. Item tabled.
  4. Motion to approve the Office Manager’s report and approval of the monthly bills. Dave Compton stressed he can’t approve bills already paid. Motion by Larry Eden. Seconded by Daryl Fenske. Motion Passed 3-1.
  5. The Board heard from Operations Manager Andy McCaslin. Operations Manager McCaslin talked about the advantage of running the third truck was that they didn’t have to turn over as many calls. Dave Compton asked why there was a third truck when it hadn’t been approved by the Board and that is was incorporated into the budget that was waiting to be approved. Mike said they had looked at it but hadn’t approved it. Operations Manager took full responsibility for running the third truck. Mike asked Dave what he wanted to do about it, discipline Operations Manager McCaslin or move on. Dave stated that what he really wanted to do was call the State Auditor and get processes for some of the expenditures. Larry Eden asked for a break from the meeting. Mike Bennett told everyone to take a 5-minute break.
  6. Meeting reconvened at 7:20pm.
  7. Operations Manager McCaslin stated the run sheet program was in place but not in use yet.
  8. There was a new check signed for the company we bought the new cots through due to a new address with the company and them not receiving the first one. First one was cancelled before signing a new one.
  9. Waiting for David Cole to write petition for new boundaries. Item tabled.
  10. Operations Manager McCaslin said 411 is still for sale. Dave Compton asked him to research taking lights/sirens off before selling.
  11. Motion made by Dave Compton to approve the Operations and Maintenance Reports. Seconded by Larry Eden. Motion passed 3-0.
  12. Motion made by Dave Compton to approve the Education Report. Seconded by Daryl Fenske. Motion passed 3-0.
  13. Motion made by Dave Compton to approve the PR Report. Seconded by Daryl Fenske. Motion passed 3-0.
  14. Motion made to accept the Office Managers report and approval of bills for December by Daryl Fenske. Seconded by Shane Anderson. Motion passed 3-1.
  15. Motion made to accept the December Operation Managers report by Larry Eden. Seconded by Dave Compton. Motion passed 4-0.
  16. Motion made to accept the December Maintenance report by Dave Compton. Seconded by Larry Eden. Motion passed 4-0.

Old Business

  1. Policy manual review still in progress. Item tabled.
  2. Medicare base rates proposal presented. Board asked to get numbers for Medicare allowance if we raise base rates. Item tabled.
  3. Motion made to raise the mileage base rate from 7.50 to 11.02 by Shane Anderson. Seconded by Larry Eden. Motion passed 3-1.
  4. Motion made to approve the 2016 budget with a few line item changes and additions by Shane Anderson. Seconded by Larry Eden. Motion passed 4-0.

New Business

  1. Operations Manager McCaslin presented an update from the attorney with legal matters.
  2. Operations Manager McCaslin stated Medical Director Jason Carter had moved to Columbia and would no longer be the Medical Director for the District. There was an agreement signed by Operations Manager McCaslin and Mark Brown for the position. Dave stressed that the Board should have been made aware before this happened. Subject to be readdressed.
  3. Motion made to amend the 2015 budget figures to actual by Dave Compton. Seconded by Larry Eden. Motion passed 4-0.
  4. Office Manager Brown advised Board that the 2016 Election for the Board Members was in process and Districts of Mike Bennett and Daryl Fenske were up for election.
  5. Office Manager Brown advised the Board that we were beginning the audit with CPA group.
  6. Operations Manager McCaslin advised the Board of some staffing changes. Mervin Warthen had resigned and Zack Testerman accepted the full time position and maintenance supervisor position.
  7. Motion made to renew the CD up for renewal in February by Shane Anderson. Seconded by Dave Compton. Motion passed 4-0.
  8. Motion to adjourn the meeting and go into closed session made by Shane Anderson. Seconded by Dave Compton. Motion passed 4-0.
  9. Open Meeting adjourned at 2109.
  10. Closed meeting adjourned at 2127.