January 10, 2017
Board Members
- Mike Bennett – District 2
- Shane Anderson – District 3, arrived after item 3
- Andy Hogenmiller – District 5
- David Compton – District 4
Quorum Present: Yes
- Paula Brown – Office Manager, Valerie Wilson-Director of Operations, Murray Bishoff-Monett Times
- 1. Meeting called to order by Chairman Mike Bennett at 1833.
- 2. Motion to approve the December 13th meeting minutes with an amendment to item 12 which should read “meeting” instead of “open session”. Motion by Shane Anderson. Second by Andy Hogenmiller. Motion passed 4-0.
- 3. The board heard from Office Manager Paula Brown on the December monthly bills, finances and updated bank accounts. Motion to approve the December Bills and Office Manager’s report. Motion by Dave Compton. Seconded by Andy Hogenmiller. Motion Passed 4-0.
- 4. The board heard from Director of Operations Valerie Wilson on the December Operations report. Motion to approve the report by Shane Anderson. Seconded by Andy Hogenmiller. Motion passed 4-0.
- 5. The board heard from Director of Operations Valerie Wilson on the December Maintenance, Education and PR reports. Motion to approve the reports by Shane Anderson. Seconded by Andy Hogenmiller. Motion passed 4-0.
Old Business
- 6. Motion made by Shane Anderson to keep the employee raises the way they were voted on in the previous month and then they could talk about it again once Mike had a chance to meet with Dawnata about the financial aspect. Seconded by Dave Compton. Motion passed 4-0.
- 7. No discussion on any changes needing made to 2017 budget.
- 8. Made the Board aware that as of meeting Shane Anderson was the only one running for his District position.
- 9. The Board amended the Agenda to include 7a. Flu Vaccine. Item tabled until further research could be done.
New Business
- 10. Dispatch/HealthEMS tabled.
- 11. Motion made by Shane Anderson to spend $100 to benefit the National Child Safety Council project. Seconded by Andy Hogenmiller. Motion passed 4-0.
- 12. The Board agreed to rollover CD 36919 in February.
- 13. Shane Anderson made a motion to adjourn meeting and go into closed session. Seconded by Andy Hogenmiller. Motion passed 4-0. Andy Hogenmiller-yes, Shane Anderson-yes, Dave Compton-yes and Mike Bennett-yes.
- 14. Adjourned open meeting and went into closed session at 1952.
- 15. Motion to adjourn closed session and go back into open session by Shane Anderson. Seconded by Andy Hogenmiller. Roll Call 4-yes 0-no, Andy Hogenmiller-yes, Shane Anderson-yes, Dave Compton-yes and Mike Bennett-yes.
- 16. Closed session adjourned and back in open session at 2013pm.
- 17. Motion made by Shane Anderson to adjourn meeting at 2015. Seconded by Andy Hogenmiller. Motion passed 4-0