January 2019

January 28, 2019 1830 at BLCAD Education Room

Board Members


  • Wyatt Howerton-District 1
  • Shane Anderson-District 3
  • David Compton-District 4
  • Andy Hogenmiller-District 5

Quorum Present: Yes


  • Stephanie Mahurin- Billing Clerk, Paula Brown- Office Manager, Valerie Wilson- Director of Operations, Murray Bishoff- Monett Times, Priscilla Jobe- EMT-P, Lee Flory-EMT-P.

Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm.



  • 1. Motion was made to accept Board Member, Larry Eden’s, resignation by David Compton, 2nd by Andy Hogenmiller. Motion carried 4-0.
  • 2. Motion was made by Dave Compton to approve the November and December meeting minutes. Seconded by Wyatt Howerton, motion passed 4-0.
  • 3. Motion was made by Andy Hogenmiller to approve the department reports and approve paying of monthly bills. Seconded by Wyatt Howerton, motion passed 4-0.


Old Business

  • 1. Maternity Policy- Motion was made by Wyatt Howerton to approve the ESB, PTO, and Absence policies, effective 1-28-2019. 2nd by Dave Compton, motion carried 4-0.


New Business

  • 1. CPA rates- Just letting Board know that CPA Group rates will be increasing.
  • 2. New Trucks- tabled to acquire bids.
  • 3. Pitney Bowes- Motion was made by Dave Compton to approve the upgrade of mail station equipment in the business office. 2nd by Wyatt Howerton. Motion carried 4-0.
  • 4. Driveway- table to acquire bids.
  • 5. PC School Sponsorship- Motion was made to proceed as we did last year by Wyatt Howerton. 2nd by Dave Compton. Motion carried 4-0.
  • 6. Jefferson City Conference- Motion was made to approve the trip as written Dave Compton. 2nd by Wyatt Howerton. Motion carried 4-0.
  • 7. New Meeting Time- Motion was made to move the meeting time to 6:00pm by Wyatt Howerton. 2nd by Dave Compton. Motion carried 4-0.
  • 8. Sexual Harassment Policy- tabled upon policy re-wording.
  • 9. Motion was made to adjourn in to closed session at 7:37 pm. Motion carried (4) Aye, (0) Nay.
  • 10. Closed session was adjourned and open session re-opened at 8:04 pm. 9. Motion was made to adjourn in to closed session at 7:37 pm. Motion carried (4) Aye, (0) Nay.
  • 11. Meeting was adjourned at 8:07pm.