September 2024

BLCAD Board of Directors

Open Meeting Minutes

4:00 pm at BLCAD Education Room


Board Members


Glo Abramovitz

Dave Compton

Eddie Laning

Wyatt Howerton

Scott Redshaw



Quorum Present: Yes


Paula Flory- Office Manager, Lee Flory- Director, Tyler Lowery, Dawnata Hopkins-CPA Group


  1. Meeting called to order by Wyatt Howerton at 4:02PM.
  2. Welcomed visitors.
  3. Dave Compton made a motion to vote in Scott Redshaw for the open seat on the board of directors’ district 2. Seconded by Glo Abramovitz. Motion passed 4-0.
  4. Dave Compton made a motion to accept the August 21, 2024, meeting minutes as written. Seconded by Glo Abramovitz. Motion passed 5-0.
  5. Dave Compton made a motion to approve the monthly bills. Seconded by Scott Redshaw. Motion passed 5-0.
  6. Eddie Laning made a motion to accept the department reports. Seconded by Glo Abramovitz. Motion passed 5-0.



  1. Three IT quotes were presented to the board. Eddie Laning mentioned that Barry County E911 Center might be interested in sharing IT with us and was going to talk to Mike Phillips. That would fall under a state bid. If Mike Phillips isn’t interested than IT will be bid out according to policy and Paula Flory will contact some local vendors as well.






  1. Glo Abramovitz made a motion to keep the PTO cash in at 48 hours with at least 48 to carry over into the next year. Seconded by Dave Compton. Motion passed 5-0. The board requested a policy on creating a PTO bank policy that can be used by employees that have situations approved by Paula Flory and is a written request that comes to the board for final approval. Paula Flory will also revise the PTO overtime and pay periods policy to match each other and bring it back to the board at the next meeting.
  2. Scott Redshaw made a motion to sell 2 of our trade in Zoll monitors to Purdy Fire at $7500 each. Seconded by Dave Compton. Motion passed 5-0.
  3. Dawnata from CPA Group presented the 2023 Audit to the board of directors. Dave Compton made a motion to accept the audit as written. Seconded by Scott Redshaw. Motion passed 5-0.
  4. Dave Compton made a motion to depreciate the ambulances from a 3-year depreciation to a 5-year depreciation. Seconded by Wyatt Howerton. Motion passed 5-0.
  5. Dave Compton made a motion to adjourn the open session and go into closed session at 5:51pm. Seconded by Wyatt Howerton. Motion passed 5-0, Scott Redshaw-yes, Wyatt Howerton-yes, Glo Abramovitz-yes, Dave Compton-yes, Eddie Laning-yes.
  6. Glo Abramovitz made a motion to adjourn closed session and go back into open session at 7:42pm. Seconded by Eddie Laning. Motion passed 5-0, Scott Redshaw-yes, Wyatt Howerton-yes, Glo Abramovitz-yes, Dave Compton-yes, Eddie Laning-yes.
  7. Glo Abramovitz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:44pm. Seconded by Scott Redshaw. Motion passed 5-0.