February 2024

February 21, 2024 4:00 pm at BLCAD Education Room

Board Members


  • David Compton
  • Wyatt Howerton
  • Eddie Laning
  • Glo Abramovitz

Quorum Present: Yes


  • Paula Flory- Office Manager, Lee Flory- Director, Bob Patterson-Mercy EMS, Brandon Heupel, Boston Patillo

Meeting called to order by Wyatt Howerton at 4:00PM.


  1. Welcome visitors. Wyatt Howerton made a motion to amend the agenda and move #4 to #10. Seconded by Eddie Laning. Motion passed 3-0.
  2. Eddie Laning made a motion to approve the January 17, 2024 meeting minutes as written. Seconded by Glo Abramovitz. Motion passed 3-0.
  3. Glo Abramovitz made a motion to approve the monthly bills. Seconded by Eddie Laning. Motion passed 3-0.
  4. Glo Abramovitz made a motion to accept the department reports. Seconded by Eddie Laning. Motion passed 3-0.

Old Business

  1. N/A

New Business

  1. Glo Abramovitz made a motion to accept the estimate from Newton County to install a new motor in Unit 417 instead of buying a new truck. The estimate came in at $7678. Seconded by Eddie Laning. Motion passed 3-0.
  2. Wyatt Howerton made a motion to roll over CD ending in 919 and to look into putting our 2 CD’s into a higher interest rate CDs. Seconded by Eddie Laning. Motion passed 3-0.
  3. Wyatt Howerton made a motion to move forward with the Racetrack contract and have the new individual leasing the track, Steve Andrews, pay up front for the season. Seconded by Glo Abramovitz. Motion passed 3-0.
  4. Bob Patterson attended meeting to make BLCAD Board of Directors aware that they are putting sales tax on the ballot for the Aurora area. Informational only.
  5. Glo Abramovitz made a motion to adjourn open session at 4:30pm. Seconded by Eddie Laning. Motion passed 4-0.